Repair / Maintenance

What is Bronze?

Bronze is a copper alloy (combination of copper and tin) and when exposed to air and moisture, it will develop a greenish layer of build-up on its surface. This greenish coating is known as patina. While this darkened finish does add character to the bronze, some consider it unsightly, and would prefer their bronze to look clean and shiny. Our products are of a high quality and will look as good as new with some basic care. Below are some tips on how to care for your statues:

Why is my sculpture changing color and what should I do about it?

Any metal sculpture, whether it is bronze or another metal, will likely change in appearance over time. A number of factors can affect the way a metal sculpture ages. These include:

  • Environmental factors (for example, humidity, exposure to salt air, extreme sunlight, handling, and contact with water and/or chemicals). A good maintenance program is the best way to guard against further undesired changes to patina and possible metal corrosion.
  • The original patina and finish. Some of the chemicals used during the patination process hold up better over time and in certain conditions than others. For example, the chemical that produces a white patina is fairly unstable and is not suitable for sculptures that will be installed outside, and a red patina will often darken or fade over time. Regardless of the type of patina used, any sculpture must be well sealed after patination (with either wax or lacquer). This finish must be maintained to preserve the underlying patina.
  • Proper maintenance. If a bronze is properly maintained over time, it should age nicely and restoration should not be required. However, if a sculpture is left unattended for a period of time, it might collect layers of dust, dirt, or chemical/mineral build up that should be removed to preserve the patina and prevent possible corrosion.

How should I care for and maintain my bronze sculpture?

At a minimum, you can keep your sculpture clean and dust free using a soft cloth, feather duster, or soft-bristle brush. NEVER use a chemical cleaner or metal polish on your sculpture. Doing so will damage the finish, often severely. If you must, you can use a very small amount of mild soapy water to clean areas that do not come clean from dusting.

  • Brushes. Soft round bristle brushes, 1-2 inches for small sculpture, 2-3 inches for larger sculpture. Can use flat brushes also. Can be synthetic or natural bristle brushes. Brushes should be new and free from any dirt or oil. Chip brushes recommended.
  • Buffing cloths. Clean cotton rags. Make sure to use a low lint cloth to keep the sculpture clean.

Every 6-12 months for indoor sculptures and every 4-6 months for outdoor sculptures.

After-sales Support

Our team is here for you! When you purchase from us, please be assured that we support all of our customers with excellent post-purchase care.

Dropped your statue? Some damage that needs fixing? No problem! Bring it to our shop for our assessment. We will assist you to fix any damage at minimal cost! 95% of our products are usually easily repairable. The only exceptions are our small pewter statues which require specialised equipment not available to us. Please note that we can’t help with missing weapons or accessories as we usually don’t have spares for those.

Please contact us at any time if you have any concerns or questions about your product and we will do our best to answer.